Views 360-degree view of the city – Uptown, Downtown and Midtown. From your castle in the clouds, find inspiration in the breathtaking, unobstructed vista of one of the world’s finest cities. Four glass balconies are set on a diagonal to the north-south, east-west grid of Manhattan, ...
TraxNYC619 米 21世纪百货商场(林肯广场店)1.38公里 Midtown Comics822 米 纪伊国屋书店 纽约总店881 米 Uniqlo838 米 MUJI Fifth Avenue1.13公里 洛克菲勒中心708 米 时代广场448 米 洛克之巅观景台711 米 帝国大厦1.51公里 百老汇大道294 米 纽约百老汇《狮子王》442 米 ...
This unique duplex will have you checking out one of NYC's buzziest neighborhoods in style. Watch over the city from the three balconies and roof terrace, with amazing Manhattan skyline views acting as a backdrop to laid-back lunches and evening drinks. Each room has a queen-sized bed and...
Midtown Comics987 米 Uniqlo925 米 纪伊国屋书店 纽约总店1.06公里 新古书店900 米 TraxNYC782 米 MUJI Fifth Avenue1.3公里 洛克菲勒中心839 米 时代广场626 米 纽约现代艺术博物馆770 米 洛克之巅观景台843 米 百老汇大道473 米 纽约百老汇《狮子王》618 米 纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆823 米 纽约百老汇《芝加哥》296...
For guests used to staying in the best rooms at luxury hotels, the top suite at the Four Seasons Hotel New York may offer the ultimate in bragging rights: To sleep in it, you have to stomach its $50,000 a night price tag. The Ty Warner Penthouse, named for the Beanie Baby mo...