In... Ministers When one considers the church after Pentecost, they think of the apostolic leaders that spearheaded the... Churches The former General Secretary of the UPCI, Jerry Jones, wrote an outstanding dissertation on an early... Ministries Global Missions North American Missions Sunday ...
10.“I pray too much,” said Ms. López, a Pentecostalist who is active in her church. 11.Besides Islam - now the religion of almost one in three Africans - it is coming up against a host of Pentecostalist and evangelical churches fitting into Africans' love of music, dance and free...
PENTECOSTAL churchesCLERGYSPIRITUAL healingSALVATIONGODSPentecostalism is a Christian tradition known for personal salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, divine healing and personal encounter with God through the work of the Holy Spirit. However, Pentecostalis...
PENTECOSTAL churchesPENTECOSTALISMThis article studied the metaphor of spiritual fathering within Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in southern and western Africa. In these churches, the pastor of a congregation is not only perceived as a shepherd of the flo...
PENTECOSTAL churchesCHURCH of GodThe article argues that although Pentecostal churches in Africa have the potential to challenge and transform the reality of inequalities in Africa, instead, they are reproducing and perpetuating these inequalities by creating an inequality gap among themselves, especially,...
Reason: The article, Kgatle, M.S., 2017, 'The unusual practices within some Neo-Pentecostal churches in South Africa: Reflections and recommendations', HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73(3), a4656., published on 29 September 2017 in HTS ...
Dis/Continuity with Cultic Tendencies in Classical Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches (PCCs)I look at the dis/continuity of cultic tendencies in other Pentecostal traditions and its implications for prophets. In this chapter, I will illustrate which practices constitute discontinuity by other Pentecostal...
New prophetic churches are in continuity with the African Traditional Religions in tracing the challenges that many Africans face today to the spirit world. These churches make a connection between the challenges of sicknesses, joblessness, barrenness, and so forth, with wit...
In addition, most churches in this tradition have not yet made pronouncements on ecological issues such as the interactions between Pentecostal believers and their environment in South Africa. Hence, a scholarly question arises: do the spirit-filled and ...
PENTECOSTAL churchesDECOLONIZATIONSEPULCHRAL monumentsWORSHIP (Christianity)WORSHIPTombstone, the practice of demarcating a grave and unveiling it in some instances, has been common since ancient times. The practice is related to marking the grave in order to remember its geographical location, a...