In a time long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, most mainline Christian denominations rejected the ornamental use of jewelry. With a few notable exceptions, most denominations have abandoned that stance and completely reversed course. It is of particular interest that the United Methodist Church,...
It’s alarming how many Christian parents I’ve heard saying things like, “I don’t want to force my beliefs on my children.” Be assured that every other religious and cultural force is working overtime to capture the hearts and minds of your children. Scripture is clear in telling us ...
The Rev. David J. du Plessis, 81, a world-traveling minister who convinced the Vatican and major Protestant denominations to respect tongues-speaking, faith-healing Pentecostalism as a valid Christian movement, died Monday in his Pasadena home, it was announced Tuesday. Du Plessis, known as “M...
The alternative is just as destructive. God forbid, the body of Christ adopts the same dog-eat-dog mentality modern society has perfected. The church confronted with the vehemence of culture cannot stoop to society’s methods of communication and unabashed, self-preservation. God never called Hi...
“…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).” A further point in this subject needs to be stressed because it is vital to the spiritual success of our children; the Christian faith must be taught and taught well. A “just do as I say and be quiet” ...
re just doing business as usual. Fire will not fall if we’re just going through the motions. Fire will not fall while the altar is in disrepair. But there is a spiritual famine in our society today that is so prevalent that it cannot be ignored any longer. And if the Church will ...
In a time long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, most mainline Christian denominations rejected the ornamental use of jewelry. With a few notable exceptions, most denominations have abandoned that stance and completely reversed course. It is of particular interest that the United Methodist Church,...