2003年9月起正式上市的Pentax(宾得)*ist D是一部使用KAF卡口、全面兼容宾得KAF2、KAF、KA系列镜头的数字单反相机(DSLR)。 与Nikon D100一样,*ist D的感光元器件采用Sony公司制造的型号为ICX413AQ的631万像素CCD,实际有效像素数为610万,APS幅面(23.5×15.7mm )。感光度范围为ISO 200~1600(通过设定自选功能可以...
One of my niggles with the *ist D are soft images, I personally feel that this is a sharpening issue, that the sharpness is there in the image data but that the camera's internal sharpening algorithms aren't set strong enough. As you can see the +1 setting below delivers a fairly sha...
PENTAX(宾得) *ist D简介 传感器: 23.5 × 15.7 mm 有效像素: 610万 显示屏尺寸: 1.8英寸 显示屏像素: 11.8万像素 快门速度: 1/4000-30秒和长时间曝光(Bulb) 连拍速度: 暂无数据 电池类型: CR-V3锂电池2节, AA电池(锂电池,镍氢充电电池,碱性电池)4节 ...
ΕικόνεςPentax *Ist D5 imagesAmazon Δημοφιλή Ταπιοπρόσφατα 70 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 ▲ This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. ...
Pentax announced the *ist D digital SLR on 26th February 2003, the week before PMA 2003. The *ist D is essentially a digital version of the *ist film SLR announced the week before. The major physical difference between the two cameras (apart from all the digital controls on the rear of...
我对pentax自胶片时代起就喜欢用,特别是135机的小巧,至今还有多台胶片机身。LX,SUPER ME,MX等,中画幅就更不用说了,645,67是必须有。可惜现在都是白菜价,鸡肋样的存在。 数码买过一台IST D以后就没有再跟进过,这台CCD成像当年获过大奖的相机,送人了。
Pentax *ist D 深度报告 Lunatic 发表时间:2004-3-11 2003年9月起正式上市的Pentax(宾得)*istD是一部使用KAF卡口、全面兼容宾得KAF2、KAF、KA系列镜头的数字单反相机(DSLR)。 与Nikon D100一样,*istD的感光元器件采用Sony公司制造的型号为ICX413AQ的631万像素CCD,实际有效像素数为610万,APS幅面(23.5×15.7mm...