3s-camera 已加入蜂鸟5513天,卖出商品209件 查看芝麻信用 实名认证 手机认证 芝麻授权 Pentax 6x7 (67)+75/4.5(tw) 电话虚假卖家是骗子涉黄违法商品信息不一致 提示举报成功 Pentax 6x7 更多此机型>> 商品价¥2950.00出价试试 已被浏览 542次 累计留言 ...
Every exchange supports the passions and professions of fellow camera lovers. Turn old camera gear into new possibilities. Selling your old photo equipment online can be a hassle. We've gotten rid of the risk and made it so you don't have to worry about a thing. ...
But would like so much to have a K-1 and a KP but sincerely one of each camera models that has been produced by this brand. Reply Like 2Jan 18, 2020permalink P10004K I made the most money back in the film days with my 6x7 Pentax.https://live.staticflickr.com/486...
1969年7月,为庆贺公司成立50周年,日本Asahi Optical(旭光光学)公司推出了Pentax 6X7中幅单反机;期间经过了两次改良,出现了三种版本的Pentax 67相机,其区别如下: l69年最初版本:采用全金属结构,没有反光镜锁;提供一种简单的测光棱镜(但是很脆弱),过片机构的可靠性较差。
1932年,旭光学为Molta Camera Company(美能达前身)6.5X9画幅的折叠相机“Arcadia”生产镜头。 1933年,旭光学取代德国老牌罗敦司德和美国大牌万伦莎,开始为小西六(Konishiroku,即后来的Konica)供货,为折叠相机“Pearlette”提供多款镜头。 1935年,松本三郎 (Saburo Matsumoto) 从德国买回了一台Reflex-Korelle 6x6 的中画...
1932年,旭光学为Molta Camera Company(美能达前身)6.5X9画幅的折叠相机“Arcadia”生产镜头。 1933年,旭光学取代德国老牌罗敦司德和美国大牌万伦莎,开始为小西六(Konishiroku,即后来的Konica)供货,为折叠相机“Pearlette”提供多款镜头。 1935年,松本三郎 (SaburoMatsumoto) 从德国买回了一台 Reflex-Korelle 6x6 的中画...
1932年,旭光学为Molta Camera Company(美能达前身)6.5X9画幅的折叠相机“Arcadia”生产镜头。 1933年,旭光学取代德国老牌罗敦司德和美国大牌万伦莎,开始为小西六(Konishiroku,即后来的Konica)供货,为折叠相机“Pearlette”提供多款镜头。 1935年,松本三郎 (Saburo Matsumoto) 从德国买回了一台 Reflex-Korelle 6x6 的中...
Your experience here will be pleasant and painless. If you have an old Pentax camera tucked away, or given to you; even received it from an inheritance, send it to me for a free estimate. I will evaluate it and let you know what it needs. Take a look around and thanks for stopping...
In an homage to previous Pentax cameras, the Pentax 17 includes several features borrowed from, or inspired by, earlier Pentax models, one of which is visible on the front: the number 17 in the camera's logo uses the same font for the digits as Pentax 6x7 cameras from years past. ...