I enjoyed Chris' stroll through Pentax history but don't understand why the incredibly juicy detail of the Pentax 645Z being the first camera to break through the 100 DxOMark barrier and then not having its result published for years and years was not mentioned. Seems also odd ...
在14到15年,重大机型只有645z和KS系列的发布,其他的多为一些例行升级,直到16年,宾得终 +5 分享364 胶片吧 jungle_VIP 为什么宾得 Pentax K1000 成为“最佳学生相机”?宾得K系列单反相机(KX, K2等)只生产了两三年,唯有K1000 例外,生产了21年,是历史上连续生产时间最长的相 分享86 宾得k5吧 无声的所在0526 ...