Synthesis of pent-1-en-4-yne by the CuI-catalyzed reaction of acetylene with allyl bromidealkynes (acyclic compoundsC‐C bond formationHydrosilylation of alkynes R3MC CH (M = Si, Ge) afforded adducts whose subsequent treatment with ethynylmagnesium bromide gives polyunsaturated silanes and germanes...
Structure determination of a phenolic pent-1-en-4-yoe derivative fromHypoxis rooperi. DREWES SE,SCOGINGS VJ,WENTELER EL. Phytochemistry . 1989D rewes SE, Scogings VJ, W enteler EL. Structure determ ina2 tion of a phenolic pent212en242 yne derivative from Hypoxis rooperi. Phy tochem is...
pent-4-yne-1-sulfonamide (CAS 1565108-36-2) information, including chemical properties, structure, melting point, boiling point, density, formula, molecular weight, uses, prices, suppliers, SDS and more, available at Chemicalbook.
pent-4-yne-1-sulfonyl chloride (CAS 67448-64-0) information, including chemical properties, structure, melting point, boiling point, density, formula, molecular weight, uses, prices, suppliers, SDS and more, available at Chemicalbook.
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美国剑桥CIL同位素标记&氘代试剂之-(E)-5-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-pent-4-en-2-ynenitrile,货号:MI-14055((E)-5-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-pent-4-en-2-ynenitrile) 详情介绍: (E)-5-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-pent-4-en-2-ynenitrile ...
synonymes4-Pentyn-1-ol 4-Methylbenzenesulfonate;4-Pentyn-1-ol Tosylate;4-Pentynyl p-Tosylate;5-(p-Toluenesulfonyloxy)pent-1-yne;5-(Tosyloxy)-1-pentyne;Pent-4-ynyl p-Tosylate;1-Tosyloxy-4-pentyne 4-Pentyn-1-ol tosylate; 4-Pentyn-1-ol, 1-(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 4-Pentyn-1-ol,...