The Greek Pension System has evolved gradually over the last 50 years. Along these years of operation, the System successfully ensured a fairly good social protection for aged people from different professions and sectors of employment. Possibly as a result of that task, the pension protection ...
the campaign over German in scheduling the pension system has called out, suggesting that even German’s welfare is favorable and the position of German in EU is dominant, it is still vital for German government to reschedule the Nazi’s pension issue. When it comes to European Parliament’s...
The decisions on how and whether to fund underwater pension funds is likely to be the most contentious issue over the coming decade and not least because access to pension benefits is far from evenly spread across demographic cohorts. This is setting the stage for a significant battle between ...
Many more people will be expected to live over 100 by the mid-21st century.41. A longer life will cause radical changes in people's approach to life.42. Fast technological change makes it necessary for one to constantly upgrade their skills 43, Many people may not wan...
Now, here is the truth about pension liabilities. Let’s assume you have $1 billion in funding today. If you assume a 7% compound return—about the average for most pension funds—then that means in 30 years that $1 million will have grown to $8 billion (approximately). ...
The asset allocation has also dramatically changed. It used to be nothing but bonds back in the 70s and 80s. Over the past while there’s been a dramatic shift, first to equities and stocks, and then the last 5 or 10 years there’s been a dramatic shift toalternatives. ...
We all updated our basic travel inoculations, but we fretted over rabies and Japanese encephalitis. Different members of our group got different advice from different travel clinics. How big is the risk? Frankly, it’s small for both diseases. Still, losing the gamble would not be fun. Some...
Byline: Jessica MageeA MAN claimed over [euro]100,000 of his father's pension money - for 11 years after the pensioner died.The fraud was only discovered when inspectors called to the late John Wilds's house in 2008 to ask how he wanted to get his 100th birthday presidential bonus....
Applications to US macroeconomic time series reinforce the prevalence of changes in both their mean and variance and the fact that for most series an important reduction in variance occurred in the 80s. In many cases, however, the so-called "great moderation" can instead be viewed as a "...