M. (2013), "Voluntary Pension Saving for Old Age: Are the Objectives of Self-responsibility and Security Compatible?", Social Policy & Administration, 47: 287-309. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9515.2012.00853.xCasey, B., Dostal, J. (2013). Voluntary Pension Saving for Old Age: Are the Objecti...
实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略,发展养老事业和养老产业,优化孤寡老人服务,推动实现全体老年人享有基本养老服务。We will pursue a proactive national strategy in response to population aging, develop elderly care programs and services, and provide better services for elderly people who live alone. By doing...
The next generation will then be responsible for the old-age pensions of those paying contributions today. There is currently one retired person for approximately every four people in employment. Since no capital is saved, interest rate trends play a subordinate role in determining OASI benefits....
An Analysis of the Problem of Provide for the Aged People Left Behind in the Countryside; 浅议农村留守老人养老问题 参考词条 补充资料:城镇集体经济组织职工养老金保险 城镇集体经济组织职工养老金保险 [城镇集体经济组织职工养老金保险]凡城镇集体经济组织都可作为投保人为本单位职工投保的一种养老保险。保险有效...
Younger people today mostly accept that they will have to work for longer and that theirpensionswill be less generous 出自-2010年12月阅读原文 They argue that governments should persuade us into making better decisions — such as saving more in ourpensionplans — by changing the default options....
19. There was a saving clause in the Old Age Pensions Act providing that rich people should not get the pension. 在老人养老金条例中有个保留条款,规定有钱人不能领养老金。 20. pension的近义词 20. The so-called old-age pension is not dependent small wolf Parent David A wolf will only brin...
Old French pensïon) Middle English (1325–75 pen′sion•a•ble, adj. pen′sion•a•bly, adv. pen′sion•less, adj. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: pension /ˈpɛnʃən/ n a regular payment made by the state to people over a certain...
A pension plan is a better retirement vehicle for people who prefer a guaranteed, defined amount of benefits when they retire. Though employees typically have less control over their money and sacrificeupsideearning potential under a defined-benefit pension plan, it is usually a safer option, and...
Method:Investigate the life quality of 816 retired person using the Investigative Table on Life Quality ofRetired Old people designed by Chinese Society of Geriatrics affiliated with Chinese medical association. 目的:调查离退休老年人的生活质量。
Through a central coordination mechanism, over 930 billion yuan (147.58 billion U.S. dollars) from the national pool went to make up for the shortfalls of local pension schemes last year alone. China's basic old-age insurance, a key program to ensure people's well-being after retirement, ...