But you can call me pennywise the dancing clown I'm gonna be on your fear yeah I'll drag you down You can call me penny was a dancing clown Yeah I'm a shapeshifting killer cloud from outer space And every twenty seven years I've returned to slay I've been hiding here forever since...
In the 2017 remake of It, Pennywise the Dancing Clown (Bill Skarsgard) is an ancient, trans-dimensional evil spirit that takes the scariest form of all — a creepy killer clown. Compared to the 1990 adaption of Pennywise, this one is lankier and childish
小丑回魂oh wel..小丑回魂oh well, I'm pennywise, dancing clown.很久没看到像样的美国恐怖片了,《小丑回魂》足以媲美《闪灵》。先来快乐的一面接下来开始儿童不宜了
Pennywise, the shape-shifting Dancing Clown, has always been the nightmare to children of Derry, Maine. It woke up after 27 years and the Loser Club regather as adults to finish him, once and for all. It Chapter Two (It Ends) will be in the cinema this September, but you don't hav...
Pennywise the Dancing Clown ▶ Chain Reaction ▶ Dracula's Abode ▶ Sinister Disco ▶ Red Alert ▶ Don't Fuck with the Chuck! ▶ Panic! ▶ Insensitive Madness ▶ Dark Lord ▶ Beast Mode ▶ Eyes of Fear ▶ Wrath ▶ Annihilation Imminent! ▶ Alien Apocalypse ▶ Last ...
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Pennywise the Dancing Clown was known to come to Derry, Maine, every 27 years to haunt and terrify children (and adults that had escaped him in the past) for their lives. Spoiler alert, Pennywise is a trans-dimensional evil entity, not a real clown, which makes him hard to conquer. If...
View which Seeking Alpha analysts and users Pennywise The Dancing Clown follows on the Seeking Alpha website.
在推出「潘尼懷斯」、「潘尼懷斯 血淋淋版本」、「潘尼懷斯 Well House版本」之後,美國知名玩具品牌NECA 再度發表來自《牠(2017)》的新作「終極"跳舞小丑"潘尼懷斯」(Ultimate "Dancing Clown" Pennywise)7 吋人偶,預計將於2019年第二季發貨!! 這次的潘尼懷斯相信又打中不少熱愛「牠」的玩具人啦~更多牠的恐怖型態...
IT's preferred form is that of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, but the true form of this shapeshifting entity is much more complex than that.