The firsttrailerfor the film (see below) was released in May, and featuredCrimson Peakactress Jessica Chastain prominently as Beverly Marsh, the young girl whose friendship with a group of outcasts 27 years earlier changed her life and put her on a collision course with Pennywise. The preview...
IT was adapted into a miniseries in 1990 with Tim Curry as Pennywise, and most recently into a two-part film, directed by Andy Muschietti and with Bill Skarsgård as the nightmarish clown. Both adaptations have addressed IT’s true form in different ways, but what does it really look like...
Might Be a Dream ▶ Still Can Be Great ▶ Straight Ahead ▶ My Own Way ▶ One Voice ▶ Alien ▶ Watch Me As I Fall ▶ Just For You ▶ Can't Take Anymore ▶ American Dream ▶ Need More ▶ Never Know ▶ Badge Of Pride ▶ Album: About Time (2005 Remaster) Rel...
You don’t have to have read this blog for very long to know that I’m a crockpot girl. My life would probably be over if mine were to die or perhaps if I lost it. Don’t put the latter past me. I’m a scatter-brained mess. But there comes a time in every cook’s life w...
Even the strawberry taste didn’t become as potent as I would have liked. But if you’re brave and don’t mind a little sugar, you can add a tsp of sugar to the strawberries before adding them to the batter and I’m sure that it will bring out the strawberry flavor a little more...
“I’m trying to view the fame aspect as a challenge and navigate through it in a way that I’ll find happiness,” he says. “I really don’t think my line of profession is a recipe for happiness or contentment. Not a lot of us are happy. And the more the fame is increased, ...