CBS电视网美剧《生活大爆炸》上一集结尾时,Leonard看到了Penny满脸羞愧的从自己的房间走出来——喝醉之后的Penny和Raj在Leonard的房间里滚了床单。 ThingswillnonethelessbequitecomplicatedforLeonardandPennywhenSeason5arrivesthisfall—andTVLinehasthescooponwhat’stocome. Leonard和Penny在今年秋季即将播出的第五季中肯定...
“We’re going to put Leonard in a long distance relationship with Priya,” says Prady. Couple that set-up with the fact that Penny (Kaley Cuoco) still has feelings for herbrainyex, and the result is “Leonard with two women and no sex,” Pradychuckles. 我们将会让Leonard和Priya来个异...
Leonard, please let me handle this please. Look, Sheldon, please try and understand look ,Leonard and i are in a relationship relationship虽然 字面是 关系的意思,但是如果没有特别的在前面加上 “同事,工作伙伴,合作伙伴”等字眼,就会 暗指说是 情侣关系,恋爱关系 比如,当别人问, are you in a rela...
“We’re going to put Leonard in a long distance relationship with Priya,” says Prady. Couple that set-up with the fact that Penny (Kaley Cuoco) still has feelings for herbrainyex, and the result is “Leonard with two women and no sex,” Pradychuckles. 我们将会让Leonard和Priya来个异...
CBS电视网美剧《生活大爆炸》上一集结尾时,Leonard看到了Penny满脸羞愧的从自己的房间走出来——喝醉之后的Penny和Raj在Leonard的房间里滚了床单。 Things will nonetheless be quite complicated for Leonard and Penny when Season 5 arrives this fall — and TVLine has the scoop on what’s to come. ...
Penny:Oh, it's not a date, Leonard. It's just a man and a woman hanging out, not having sex at the end of the night.Leonard:Sounds like most of my dates. 六人行 分享31赞 吉姆帕森斯吧 geyouchui Jim Parsons【采访】Big Bang's on The Move!He'll have to carry the romantic torch ...
曾在NBC台短命剧集《半路情缘》中扮演Screwsie的女星Margo Harshman将加盟《生活大爆炸》新季,扮演Sheldon的新助手Alex,并对Leonard展开追求! Despite her professional relationship with Sheldon, she sets her eyes on Leonard (Johnny Galecki), which may drive awedgebetween him and Penny (Kaley Cuoco), accord...
曾在NBC台短命剧集《半路情缘》中扮演Screwsie的女星Margo Harshman将加盟《生活大爆炸》新季,扮演Sheldon的新助手Alex,并对Leonard展开追求! Despite her professional relationship with Sheldon, she sets her eyes on Leonard (Johnny Galecki), which may drive a wedge between him and Penny (Kaley Cuoco), ac...
在《生活大爆炸》第一集中,佩妮由于和相爱四年的男友科特分手,搬到了莱纳德(Leonard)和谢尔顿(Sheldon)的对门,她外向的性格与与这两个男生形成了鲜明的对比。 在第一到六季中,她都是本地干酪蛋糕工厂的女侍应生,却一心希望成为女演员,她性格非常好,但发起火来也是很可怕的,莱纳德曾把发怒的佩妮比作“绿巨人”...
The Penny + Leonard bit was also very cute – done in the perfect way for them. It’s not a show you cover, but Melissa + Joey (ABCF) also had an exciting engagement this week. The episode ended in a perfectly sweet scene with a (kind of) surprise engagement. Love is in the ...