#Leonard#和#Penny#的50个kiss [心动] #生活大爆炸#@Johnny_Galecki k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 132 25 ñ32 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 北京卫视跨界歌王 08月06日 16:00 #跨界歌王#本周...
Penny throws a Halloween party where her ex-boyfriend Kurt joins and is confronted by Leonard. This leads to a fight with the two that scares Sheldon and causes a tipsy Penny to get tearful. She and Leonard talk and kiss, to which Leonard taunts Kurt and shuts the door on him. (The ...
The Penny + Leonard bit was also very cute – done in the perfect way for them. It’s not a show you cover, but Melissa + Joey (ABCF) also had an exciting engagement this week. The episode ended in a perfectly sweet scene with a (kind of) surprise engagement. Love is in the ...
her about the kiss. When Leonard and Penny talked about it, they realized they both may have been trying to sabotage their relationship as they each sometimes feel as if they aren’t good enough for the other. They vowed to stop being so scared of losing each other and just be together...
那就是poor leonard... 赞 回复 桃花公子 (checkmate) 2009-11-06 21:31:56 我觉得他俩上床是大势所趋 but 结局一定是未遂 赞 回复 JojO 2009-11-06 21:41:00 这想法太邪恶了 赞 回复 Rachel 2009-11-06 21:45:14 他们兄弟四个呢,LZ我看穿了你的邪恶心思了 赞 回复 JEalous 2009-...
aThe show is centered on five characters: roommates Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper, two physicists who work at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech); Penny, a blonde waitress and aspiring actress who lives across the hall; and Leonard and Sheldon's equally geeky and socially awk...
Lime Kiss She and Leonard went on their first date in the finale of the first season, but they were unable to start a relationship because Penny feared he would get bored with her due to his high intelligence compared to her own. Regardless, Leonard continues his pursuit of Penny throughout...
由于Penny已经和Leonard上床,Howard也搞上了Bernedette,谈情说爱的方向上本继续往下发展的空间已经有限,将来4,5季的看点也就是Raj和Sheldon了(但是Sheldon的拓展空间极不乐观)。 如果最开始不设定女主角的话,四个活宝可以无穷无尽的搞怪下去,但是有了女主角,反而失去了发挥的空间了。 赞 回复 好吧 2010-03-06 ...
我打中他了 Leonard [00:56.72]Tonight I spice my mead with goblin blood. 今晚我要用那地精的血来祭酒 [00:59.80]Raj,no,it's a trap! They're flanking us! Raj 不要 这是个陷阱! 他们在夹击我们! [01:03.68]He's got me! 我被打中了! [01:03.60]Sheldon,he's got raj. Use your sleep...
sheldon和penny才是闺蜜~ penny会和leonard复合啦,她都还承认还爱他 赞 回复 多叹无益 (毕竟我也曾经是一个清纯美少年啊) 2011-08-12 15:39:04 他就算找也只能找个性冷淡吧 赞 回复 [已注销] 2011-08-13 12:26:27 [内容不可见] 赞 回复 momo (我是人间惆怅客知君何事泪纵横) 2011-08-...