The name and mailing address of the individual who is responsible for your LLC’s initial tax reports A description of your business activities Your LLC’s FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) We explain how to obtain an FEIN in Step 5 ...
Basic Information with driver’s name, address, license number, birth date and license class: $12. Three-year record with driver’s name, address, license number, birth date and license class, and PennDOT actions and violations in the past three years from the date of request: $12 10-yea...
it must notify the record owner of property by personal service or certified mail, and where the mailed notice has not been delivered because of an inaccurate address, the authority must make a reasonable effort to ascertain the identity and whereabouts of the owner...
O. Box 1837, Harrisburg, PA 17105-1837, Attention Research Department.Some accounts have been reported without the name and address of the owner. If you have done business with any of these companies and believe you may be entitled to unclaimed property, contact the Bureau of Unclaimed Property...