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Pennsylvania Marijuana Card helps patients get approved for medical marijuana in Pennsylvania. Schedule an appointment with a certified doctor today.
Senators in Pennsylvania have agreed to pass legislation legalizing medical marijuana in the state, officials say. NBC Philadelphia reports that the bill was approved by a vote of 43-7 yesterday. Obtaining medical marijuana would require a card from the Department of Health, proof of a doctor-pa...
Medical cannabis patients in Pennsylvania could soon enjoy the state-sanctioned right to own and possess firearms, per a proposal by Republican state Sen. Dan Laughlin. Federal law, however, still prohibits people who consume cannabis from possessing firearms. ...
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP)— State regulators on Thursday announced the 27 entities that have been selected to operate dispensaries under Pennsylvania's medical marijuana law, a program expected to be up and running next year. The Health Department said not all of them are currently opting to run th...
Tracy L. Lawless
During an administrative casethat Spotlight PA reported on last year, a health department attorney wrote that the state’s medical marijuana law and regulations don’t give the Bureau of Medical Marijuana “the same investigation resources or authority to require extra requirements to prove compliance...
Even though, she says, she wasn't driving under the influence of anything. She had been in a car accident, and a state trooper arrived. She showed him the first ID she found – one that looks a lot like a driver's license but was actually her medical marijuana ID card. That was al...
Almost 3,000 of these patients now have their Identification cards for purchasing medical marijuana. A total of 17,000 patients are registered to the program which consists of 17 illnesses including severe pain.READ City of Pennsylvania To Consider Marijuana Legalization The state’s laws affirmed ...
2. In order to be able to use medical marijuana, you will also need to have a valid doctor’s recommendation. The recommendation must state that you are using cannabis as part of your treatment plan for your qualifying condition. You will also need to provide proof of your diagnosis, such...