Number of Complaints in the Past Year per Skilled Nursing Facility in Pennsylvania 1None Researching Skilled Nursing Facilities in Pennsylvania? Ask these questions: What are the staffing ratios per resident per day and how does that compare to other nursing homes in Pennsylvania?
Tired of complaints about chemical odors and empty toilet paper dispensers? We can help you by recommending the right jan/san supplies to clean less invasively. We can also help you manage your store room inventory so you always have the supplies you need on hand. We know managing your offic...
Tired of complaints about chemical odors and empty toilet paper dispensers? We can help you by recommending the right jan/san supplies to clean less invasively. We can also help you manage your store room inventory so you always have the supplies you need on hand. We know managing your offic...
Home Health Aide and Nursing services for infants, children, and young adults with special needs up to 24 hours a day at home or in school.BEAR--Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources Carlton Anne Cook Walker, Esq. 101 Kelly Drive Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 658-9894 Email: BearAdvocacy ...
University of PennsylvaniaSchool of MedicineSURVIVAL GUIDE TO THE CLINICSJanuary 2014IntroductionThe transition from the basic sciences to the clinics is naturally intimidating. You’ll soon be immersed in an unfamiliar environment that will demand greater responsibility and commitment than anything you’ve...