Pennsylvania vs. Climate Change Our Health, Native Plants and Wildlife Are Being Compromised as the Commonwealth Grows Warmer, Warns Biologist Ed PerrySlowly but surely, Lyme disease has reached near epidemic proportions in Pennsylvania. Twenty...Perry, Ed...
Perennials native to Pennsylvania have adapted to the climate and perform well in cultivation, displaying their showy flowers and rich foliage in gardens year after year. These native plants require little maintenance and often attract butterflies and bees to the garden with their fragrant blooms. Vir...
But it was steel that became the basic industry, using iron ore from the Lehigh valley and the Bethlehem area and the native Pennsylvania coal. Later the iron ore was transported in massive amounts across the Great Lakes. Under the manipulation of such men as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Frick, ...
The Ailanthus Webworm (Atteva aurea) transforms into a moth, a common sight in Pennsylvania. The webworm is native to South Florida. They feed on the Allanthus plant, known as the “tree of heaven,” an invasive species sold by nurseries as a yard plant. The caterpillars form nests on ...
See?). When it comes to winter, one of the beauties of gardening with native plants is that nature knows what’s needed. The leaves and seedheads and hollow stems that Fall creates are all put to good use by nature over the winter, so I do very little till spring, and then clean ...
B. Spotted lanternfly,Lycorma delicatula, is a new pest to the United States and has been detected in the Commonwealth. This is a dangerous insect to forests, ornamental trees, orchards and grapes and is not native to the Commonwealth or the United States. It is not yet widely preval...
‘pick your own’ berries, apples, pumpkins, try homestead skills: make bread, cheese, ice cream, soap, spinning, felting, canning, seek native and wild plants, watch pollinators at work: bees, butterflies and birds, listen to songbirds, watch eagle, kestrel and hawk soar overhead. At ...
Pittsburgh Botanic Garden is a living museum housing plants native to the Allegheny plateau and an indoor/outdoor venue that hosts weddings and special events. This stunning property is bountiful with Best of Weddings.View Vendor Storefront Request Quote Responds quickly Vendor Details Location: Pittsb...
Austin governance at its usualist: “CapMetro putsdozens of electric buses in storage amid manufacturer’s financial collapse. (Previously.) (Hat tip:Dwight.) Shocking news from the world of science:Weed isn’t good for you. “According to their findings, exposure to cannabis was associated wi...
Activities include interesting and educational exhibits of mineral, lapidary and fossil specimens, a “Fluorescent Mineral Room” with brightly-glowing, illuminated specimens, displays of minerals from the Iron Hill Museum, display of regional Native American stone artifacts and demos by the Archaeological...