Penn proudly wrote to his friends in England: “I have led the greatest colony into America that ever man did upon a private credit. I will show a province in seven years equal to her neighbors’ 40 years’ planting.” Robert Turner erected the city’s first brick house at the corner o...
Well, isn't that a fun little question! The state farthest from Pennsylvania is Hawaii. It's all the way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by beautiful beaches and vibrant marine life. Just imagine the stunning landscapes you'd see if you ever took a trip there! Answer...
Pennsylvania (pĕnsəlvāˈnyə), one of the Middle Atlantic states of the United States. It is bordered by New Jersey, across the Delaware River (E), Delaware (SE), Maryland (S), West Virginia (SW), Ohio (W), and Lake Erie and New York (N). Facts and Figures Area, 45,...
By June 3, 1631, the Dutch had started the settlement of the Delmarva Peninsula by establishing the Zwaanendael Colony on the site of present-day Lewes, Delaware.[16] In 1638, Sweden heated up the issue by establishing the New Sweden Colony, centered on Fort Christina, on the site of ...