Wood Burning is regulated within Allegheny County due to the numerous pollutants, including air toxics, found in wood smoke.These pollutants have a negative impact on our region's air quality and can cause serious health effects in sensitive populations.click herefor more information.Click herefor ...
Health Gov. Shapiro's budget proposes $5 million to help identify and battle postpartum depression How to feel confident at the gym with Aubrey Worek Americas at risk of losing measles elimination status, U.N. agency warns Penn State reports chickenpox outbreak Flu cases peaking in Westm...
The data that make up this Integrated Report consists of over300,000 assessment records; however, much of this information has been reviewed and approved by EPA during previous Integrated Reports. To make reviewing new information easier, DEP produces lists of changes that were made from the previ...
An exculpatory clause is similarly void as against public policy where it immunizes a party from the consequences of violating a statute or regulation intended to preserve health or safety. Public policy in Pennsylvania has been defined as: …i]n the employer-employee relationship[;]”“in situat...
Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., 301 Commerce Park Drive, Cranberry, PA 16066 on behalf of XTO Energy, Inc., 395 Airport Road, Indiana, PA 15701 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate to meet a combination of the residential Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards ...
The article reports on the citation by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) against Exide Technologies for alleged violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act with a total of $102,000 in proposed penalties in Pennsylvania. The company received citations for seven repeat violat...
Snow totals: Here are the recent snowfall reports across the region Code Blue in effect for Philadelphia ahead of brutally cold temps Cleanup underway after Sunday's arctic blast Show Fewer Wind Advisory * WHAT...West-northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts of 45 to 50 mph expected. * WHE...
In February 1997, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health211u001e(NIOSH) received a confidential request for a health hazard evaluation (HHE) from 211u001ea group of employees at Victoria Vogue, inc. in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The HHE 211u001erequest concerned employee health ...
New Lead Paint Inspection laws are being adopted throughout the NJ, PA and DE region. With theNJ Lead Paint Inspection Lawand thePhiladelphia Lead Paint Law, and to protect your family from health problems caused by lead exposure, you may find yourself in need of a lead paint inspection ser...
不限 按类别评分 4.2工作-生活平衡 4.0薪资与福利 3.6职位安全与晋升 4.3管理方式 4.0企业文化 搜索评价 搜索 排序方式 评分时间 语言 正在显示唯一的评价 3.0 It's an ok place to work but no growth. Microbiologist I(在职员工)-Harrisburg, PA-2024年11月21日 ...