Please Protect Your Dog, Buy A License,It Is The Law, and it is the only sure way to get your dog back home. 2022 License Application. Your First & Last Name* Email Address* Select Your County -- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester...
Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each year REGARDLESS of when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. Please spread the word to family and friends on the importance of registering their pets. Please ...
Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each year REGARDLESS of when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. Please spread the word to family and friends on the importance of registering their pets. Please ...
Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 8 weeks or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. ...
Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 8 weeks or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. ...
Please spread the word to family and friends on the importance of registering their pets. Please Protect Your Dog, Buy A License,It Is The Law, and it is the only sure way to get your dog back home. 2025 License Application
Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 8 weeks or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. ...
Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 8 weeks or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. ...
Please be advised that the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement is currently conducting license canvassing throughout the state. NO LICENSE = $500.00 FINE + COURT COST / PER DOG. If you are planning on boarding your dog over the holidays through December 31, ...