Friends of the Cheat led an effort with the Environmental Protection Agency to use various methods of water treatment, such as limestone filtration, to clean up the tributaries in the area. The success Snyder and the others had with bringing back the Cheat River became widely considered one of...
opponents said the bill lacks protections to ensure companies are liable for leaks or water contamination, landowners aren't forced into contracts with well operators and the state has adequate staff to enforce regulations. they also warned that carbon capture wells will sp...
He was the feudal lord of the land, it being his plan to sell tracts from time to time, reserving a small quit-rent or selling outright. Until the American Revolution, in 1776, Penn and his sons held the proprietorship of the Province of Pennsylvania during a period of ninety-four years...
Update on Pennsylvania Legislature's Oversight of Clean Power Plan Implementation Pennsylvania lawmakers are considering a resolution that would establish a joint committee to prepare a report on implementation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed regulation of carbon dioxide emiss...
In their memo, Thielman noted that Sheehy's favorability rating is right side up by 5 points, while Tester's is under water by 2 points. This is a little stronger than SLF's 4-point lead for Sheehy, but it largely matches recent public polling that has had...
The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received Dam Safety and Encroachment permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control ...
Pennsylvaniais 180 miles (290 km) north to south and 310 miles (500 km) east to west. The total land area is 44,817 square miles (119,283 km²), 739,200 acres (2,990 km²) of which are bodies of water. It is the 33rd largest state in theUnited States. The highest point ...
Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc., $50,000 for installation of approximately 10 acres of meadows in the Central and Lower Delaware River watersheds; Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, $1 million to coordinate urban and community forestry in the City of Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania;...
or which is the same thing, and to use the words literatim, that "he came out of the water as holy as an angel." -- Again it has been said by some of them, that "the Almighty had been tired of his own moral law for 1500 years, when he abrogated it by the New Testament disp...
The goals of the plan are to restore water quality in the main stem of the Bennett Branch, improve water quality in the AMD impacted tributaries, and maximize the reclamation of AML throughout the watershed. The restoration work is being pursued in conjunction with the PA Wilds Initiative ...