Thanks for posting about the pennies from 1982 and before. Some of the pennies from the upper 1980's still work with this experiment. I didn't even have to ask a question it was already answered; so thank you. CindyCindy U [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]...
If the date is before 1982 then it's copper. If it's after 1982 then it's zinc. 1982 was the year that the US government switched the one cent coins from copper to zinc. So both versions were made in 1982, but it's easy to tell the difference with a few basic tests. ...
Cleaning zinc pennies.Zinc pennies are any pennies that were minted after 1982. Around this time, the value of copper had risen above the value of a penny, and so zinc became the main ingredient. Today’s pennies are only about 2.5% copper. The rest is zinc. The problem is that zinc ...
(Before eBay, if the choice of the new owners. ) 11/14/08 Today is an especially good day to view and share the free pressed penny offer. 11/12/08 Looking for someone you can order current or retired Disneyland pressed pennies from? Here is a link to some sources...
I was thinking maybe percentage removed by taking before and after pictures and comparing. What do you think? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!John Harandow- Jacksonville, Florida, USASeptember 9, 2014publicly reply to John HarandowOctober 2014 A. Hi John. There are quantitative ways of ...
a.Theyear(s) BEFORE the change: b. The year(s) OF/AFTER the change: 6. Based on your experimental data, what year did the composition of the pennies change? How do you know this? 7. Based on your data above and the graph, explain whether you think the change was ...
After cleaning, dry the pennies completely to prevent corrosion and tarnish. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published Submit Warnings Do not mix coins to avoid accidental discoloration (for example, only clean pennies with other pennies, or nickels with ot...