Posted on October 20, 2024 by Tracy Nicole Tweet Share Pin 0 Shares During the summer, there were many ways to get a discount on frozen items like shakes. Sonic had $1.99 shakes. Other restaurants like Dairy Queen had specials too. Now that it is fall, you may be thinking you have ...
Do you know where to look for the most valuable pennies? Using the rare pennies list above as your guide, it’s time to start searching! Here are 4 of the best places to find rare pennies: In rolls of coins–Coin roll huntingis one of the best ways to find old coins, and sometimes...
Let’s uncover those hurdles so you can start crushing them! Continue Reading → ByBrittany Cooper ShareTweetPin it+1 1 7 Exciting & Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Return Are you one of our lucky Pearls who is getting a refund from their taxes this year? Lucky! I bet you are so excite...
We are a normal family finding ways to get out of debt, save money, and make more money, all while fully enjoying life!If you ask yourself, what makes up my dream life? The next question that might pop in your head may be, “How can I afford that?!”...
I asked Diane, from the Mermaid Cottages, if I could give away a little Girls Getaway tote to you. She said, “How about we just give them a Girls Getaway Weekend at the Mermaid Cottages!” Diane is amazing, in so many ways. ...
There are lots of ways to fail at frugality. I should know. I pretty much wrote the book. You could save half of every paycheck you earn in high school and then spend the rest on designer purses. Sounds like a quality decision, young Penny. You’d be right save for the fact that ...
Now I’d love to hear from you. What ways do you save on buying specialty tea? If you’d like to learn more about tea, sign up for my FREE Cheat Sheet on
I really wanted to give this bridal shower a glam feel…but you know me and my penny pinching ways. Instead of shipping over a chandelier from Paries, I made one…from bubble wrap. I used three wire hangers shaped into circles, taped the bubble wrap to them and added these diamond embel...
ask, “I really want to test out EFS IA to see if it works for me – do I really need to wait 14 days for my data to age off so I can test?” No, we have ways to enable your tests. Reach out to us directly or through your account team for more info on how we...
It goes both ways. You like your mortgage? Fine. Don’t let me stand in your way. But I’m getting rid of mine. *There are also dogs. And faint odors. And neighbors very close by. Sometimes, I really do like my mortgage. The Plan In short, the plan is to stay the course. ...