Application fee $65 Specialization N/A Format Online Approx. total tuition, out-of-state $38,415 Penn State offer master's in AI programs both online as well as at Penn State Great Valley. The program allows for stackable certificates to be obtained, such as in natural language processing ...
Subscribe to CollegeData's newsletter for tips on applying to and paying for college, being smart about money once you get there, and preparing for your financial future after you graduate. Get expert tips for creating stand-out applications, applying for financial aid and scholarships, managing ...
Application Deadline Rolling Admissions Acceptance Rate 96% Students also applied to ... grade C+ Penn State York grade B minus Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania grade B minus Harrisburg Area Community College - HarrisburgMore SAT Range 1100-1310 ACT Range 24-28 Application Fee $65 SAT/...
Penn State’s long tradition of academic excellence, investment in student success, and commitment to providing unrivaled opportunities make the University a great place to study, but it is the dedication of our students, faculty, and staff that make it truly exceptional. We are looking for stude...
美国宾州州立大学(Pennsylvania State University--University Park,简称PSU)推出一个全新硕士项目——会计分析硕士(Master's in Accounting Analytics,简称MAA),设置在PSU的斯米尔商学院(Smeal College of Business)。斯米尔商学院是美国知名商学院,在最新的2023年US News美国商学院排名位居第33位。项目全日制时长1年,...
The Pennsylvania State University欢迎你!亲爱的同学们, 欢迎大家来到宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)!始建于1855年的宾州州立大学是全美最优秀的公立大学之一,有着『美国公立常春藤』的美誉。 作为PSU最具影响力的学生组织以及State College地区唯一受到中国驻美领事馆认证及资助的官方中国学生组织,宾州州立大学中国学生学者...
Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi and Interim Provost Tracy Langkilde continue to closely monitor the recent executive orders and are working diligently to understand the depth and breadth of their potential impact on the University. –Dean Lang ...
Location University Park, Pennsylvania Online School Type Public 4 Year Setting Small City Size Large Status Non-profit On Campus Housing Yes Level of Study Undergrad/Graduate Penn State's main campus in University Park is situated in central Pennsylvania's Nittany Valley, approximately 135...
Penn State University Park is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 49%. Located in State College, Pennsylvania, Penn State is the flagship campus of the 24 campuses that make up the state university system in Pennsylvania. With over 47,000 undergraduate and graduate students,...
2、如果你是申请研究生项目,那么在点击graduate之后你就会看到很多的研究生院。宾大的tesol专业属于graduate school education(教育学院),但每个学校的教育学院的名称并不一样,比如哥大的教育学院就叫做Teachers College。 3、进入graduate school education之后,你会发现学院里有很多不同的项目和学位,你可以仔细的研究一下...