The Pennsylvania State University欢迎你!亲爱的同学们, 欢迎大家来到宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)!始建于1855年的宾州州立大学是全美最优秀的公立大学之一,有着『美国公立常春藤』的美誉。 作为PSU最具影响力的学生组织以及State College地区唯一受到中国驻美领事馆认证及资助的官方中国学生组织,宾州州立大学中国学生学者...
And Penn State is the place where you can take that chance. So get ready to run the future at Penn State. Penn State’s long tradition of academic excellence, investment in student success, and commitment to providing unrivaled opportunities make the University a great place to study, but ...
已知:Penn State U放了一堆2+2项目;求证:这是什么鬼? PSU(Penn State University,宾州州立)最近两周对国内高中申请者开始大批放offer,并且不少人没有如愿以偿收到Park主校区的offer,反而被录到了2+2。对此很多人不解:我的标化(托福、SA...
宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University ,简称Penn State,缩写PSU),创建于1855年,主校区位于美国宾夕法尼亚州斯泰特科利奇(State College),同时还拥有二十三个分校区,是一所美国的公立研究型大学。该校是体育赛事联盟十大联盟和美国大学协会成员,被誉为公立常春藤。该校2019U.S. News全美专业排...
Northeastern University 75$ (80%) | US$ 15Apply Now University of Illinois 70$ (80%) | US$ 14Apply Now University of Utah 65$ (80%) | US$ 13Apply Now University of Arizona 95$ (80%) | US$ 19Apply Now Arizona State University 115$ (80%) | US$ 23Apply Now Northeastern Universi...
Penn State became a leader in turfgrass education in 1929 when we launched one of the first turfgrass programs in the United States. As the first university to offer a two-year technical program specifically for golf course superintendents, and as the first to offer an undergraduate major in ...
If you are an international student who is currently studying full-time at another college or university in the United States, you can follow the instructions in the domestic students tab to register for Penn State courses as a visiting student. If you are an international student currently study...
PSU(Penn State University,宾州州立)最近两周对国内高中申请者开始大批放offer,并且不少人没有如愿以偿收到Park主校区的offer,反而被录到了2+2。对此很多人不解:我的标化(托福、SAT/ACT…)明明达到了top50甚至top30的要求,却被psu分到分校?【黑人问号脸】这让人不禁担心——还有书读吗?
Penn State Fayette Summer Courses Challenge YouthPenn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus is presenting a series ofsummer programs for children...Hollenbaugh, Barbara
Penn State World Campus has truly proved to be the best university I could ever attend! The enrollment process was very smooth, and they even assigned me an enrollment coach to guide me every step of the way.Their interfaces are very user-friendly and are easy to navigate. They always send...