Telescopes picked up on a "monster" of a discovery in space. 8h agoClaudia Dimuro Pa. governor dangles cheesesteaks in Super Bowl bet: ‘Good luck consoling the state of Missouri’ Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro and Mo. Gov. Mike Kehoe have made a "friendly Super Bowl wager" with each other...
As everyone sits down to eat, you open your phone, tap on the music app of your choice, and a chatbot starts talking. AI: “Hey Chris, how can I help?” You: “We’re about to sit down for a nice holiday meal. Put on some background holiday music for me.” AI: “Sure thing...
That’s how fast AI has evolved in a year’s time – and that means that if the big cloud providers ever went out of business, you would still have access to near-state of the art performance and technology in perpetuity. It might not ever get better, but you wouldn’t lose access ...
Check out more information or complete your order online by going to You can search for Penn Manor Senior High School on the cap and gown screen. Although they never got to wear our new uniforms in a game this year, all three of these fine young men were ...
The Button has been under protective wraps all summer while construction has been going on all around it. It revealed itself recently just in time for the new school year. And what’s that in the distance? Sweeten Alumni House, my home during the work day. Have a great Monday, everyone....
Whenever I meet someone new, one of the first questions that come up is ‘Where do you go to school?’ Upon revealing that I go to Penn, I get a variety of responses, from the sadly common ‘Penn State?’ to ‘That’s a long way from California.’ But the question that sticks in...
There is a great deal of snobbery in the publishing world. It is a bit like being asked which school you went to, or what job do you do. They will expect you to be published by a well-known publisher and have your books in the local Borders. Most people do not know there is ...
So when you come up with the question of, “Can AI do this?” take a step back and ask yourself, “Has this been solved already?” And if so, what was the solution and can generative AI help me make or implement the solution, especially if it’s free and open source software? Tha...
Beyond that, there’s a dystopian philosophy that underpins many in the technology community generally, from Marc Andreesen (of Netscape fame) to Vivek Ramaswamy to JD Vance to Peter Thiel (of Paypal fame) to Elon Musk: the Network State. The fundamental premise of the Network State is that...