All of these problems are a function of privatizing gain, socializing risk; reserving gains for the few and shifting the burdens of compliance, taxation and monitoring to the general public, to the individual, and to state and local government. The pattern fits into a larger one: Over-all fa...
State Rep. Gary Day sworn in to office View More Latest Photo Galleries Police Logs Hit and run crash in the 4500 block of Vera Cruz Road Jan. 1 Hit and run A vehicle struck a fence and a wall in a hit-and-run crash at a residence along Vera Cruz Road in Upper Milford Township...
She finds the local police force charmingly incompetent and ill-equipped to handle a serial killer. Sarah starts her own unofficial investigation, using her big-city skills to analyze the crime scenes and victim profiles. She notices a pattern: the victims were all confronted shortly before their...
Penn Highlands Healthcare is an eight-hospital integrated health system in northwestern PA, including PH DuBois, PH Elk (St. Marys & Ridgway), PH Clearfield, PH Brookville, PH Tyrone, PH Huntingdon, PH Mon Valley, and PH Connellsville.
Special Section: The Penn State Scandal Sexual abuse might have been prevented if university officials had banned Sandusky from bringing children onto campus after a 1998 inquiry, the report said. Despite their knowledge of the police probe into Sandusky showering with a boy in a football locker ...
To report a lost child, please contact the nearest police officer or USC staff member, or go to customer service located at the Coliseum Administration Building across from Tunnel 11. CLOSED CAPTIONING The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum provides closed captioning services for all major events. To co...
The bill also aims to create a new process for informing lawmakers and the public about a proposed project that the state Department of Transportation brings to the Public-Private Transportation Partnership Board. The board is composed of appointees of the governor and top lawmakers. In November, ...
Penn State football coach James Franklin told a player not to talk to police after a fight with a star linebacker that involved punching, choking and a knife being pulled, according to allegations contained in a university report obtained by ESPN.
Construction vehicles and police arrived shortly after dawn Sunday, barricading the street and sidewalks near the statue, erecting a chain-link fence then concealing the statue with a blue tarp. Penn State President Rod Erickson said he decided to have the statue removed and put into storage becau...
this Friday, October 11, isBattleship Potemkin, a film set “in the midst of the Russian Revolution of 1905 when the crew of the battleship Potemkin mutiny against the brutal, tyrannical regime of the vessel’s officers. The resulting street demonstration in Odessa brings on a police massacre...