Exam and Review Copies. Join Our Mailing List. Exam and Review Copies. Migrant Youth, Transnational Families, and the State. Care and Contested Interests. 208 pages 6 x 9 4 illus. Cloth 2014 ISBN 978-0-8122-4604-9 $49.95s £32.50 Add...
I’m learning that there are a lot of similarities in the core motivations of a book marketer and a literary agent. Both are relentlessly shouting from the rooftops about an amazing book, author, or illustrator who deserves to be known in a bigger way. They are also both book lovers with...
Once you know that, you can point them towards your wide store links. For more marketing ideas, check out How to Market a Book, available in all the usual formats on all platforms 🙂 OK, I'm done! I hope you found this article a useful round-up of the current state of publishing...
It was definitely a funnel towards online and digital with clear links into the online store. The array of books was dominated by traditional publishing titles and a lot of hardbacks, but the main difference to Barnes & Noble was the emphasis on reviews. There were sections like ‘Books with...