作为PSU最具影响力的学生组织以及State College地区唯一受到中国驻美领事馆认证及资助的官方中国学生组织,宾州州立大学中国学生学者联合会(PSU-CSSA)已经连续为来自祖国各地的学生和学者贴心服务17年之久。CSSA (中国学生学者联合会) 全称为 Chinese Students and Scholars Association,是所在城市State College中最大的一...
That’s how fast AI has evolved in a year’s time – and that means that if the big cloud providers ever went out of business, you would still have access to near-state of the art performance and technology in perpetuity. It might not ever get better, but you wouldn’t lose access ...
First, state the functionality of the file and the requirements for it. Tell me what’s in it. Second, talk through how you will implement the functionality. Third, explain your choices out loud of why you chose the implementation that you did in the second step. Fourth, produce the code...
With staterooms for less than 100 guests, it was very much like traveling on a private yacht. The ship’s charming and well-trained staff attended to the needs of each traveler individually. By the second night Jonny, the bartender knew my preference for a little Tio Pepe sherry before di...
I had to do a git clone of like 90 million things, before I found it. Margaret Frances; about the somewhat precarious state some of our code repositories are in .. 2012-08-30 Perhaps noc1 will go on to challenge server-02's 6 year uptime record!
Jack Chow has been involved with health public policy both domestically and abroad. Chow was the first U.S. diplomat of ambassador rank appointed to a public health mission. He has worked with esteemed politicians including U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Representative Silvio O. Conte, ...