Bryan Hed, Lake Erie Regional Grape Research and Extension Center, Penn State University With this blog I would just like to briefly reflect on the 2020 growing season as well as present a few updates from research and industry that may affect how we tackle 2021. To be sure, this past gro...
Our Penn Serves LA group was part of a phalanx of thousands of volunteers who were deployed across Los Angeles over three evenings in late January to count the homeless, which would then determine how resources will be distributed and to measure how local and state governments are doing in the...
According to these models a pre-breakup phase of extreme extension of the continental lithosphere controls the subsidence and may even lead to the local exhumation of windows of subcon- tinental mantle. These models give good explanations of the observations made on the European margin of the ...
someone who's come here with an awful lot of baggage, whose past casts this giant shadow. Someone with a passionate connection to justice yet also anti-authoritarian, because you don't trust the cops in a communist state.
Whenever I meet someone new, one of the first questions that come up is ‘Where do you go to school?’ Upon revealing that I go to Penn, I get a variety of responses, from the sadly common ‘Penn State?’ to ‘That’s a long way from California.’ But the question that sticks in...
the first woman to become the leader of the world’s largest university system. Her past accomplishments are just as impressive having served as the Governor of Arizona and the first female attorney general of the state, and as U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security. She is the first and only...
With staterooms for less than 100 guests, it was very much like traveling on a private yacht. The ship’s charming and well-trained staff attended to the needs of each traveler individually. By the second night Jonny, the bartender knew my preference for a little Tio Pepe sherry before ...