宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University ,简称Penn State,缩写PSU),创建于1855年,主校区位于美国宾夕法尼亚州斯泰特科利奇(State College),同时还拥有二十三个分校区,是一所美国的公立研究型大学。该校是体育赛事联盟十大联盟和美国大学协会成员,被誉为公立常春藤。该校2019U.S. News全美专业排...
再有,宾大有些研究生项目给学生提供了兼职的机会,通常是Graduate Assistantship。我前前后后参加了四五次Skype面试,最终拿到了非常心水的offer。工资也无需保密,因为大家都差不多,一个月一千七美金。这样下来,几个discount算在一起,几乎给我带来了free education。 举这个例子,绝不是为了炫耀,知乎上谁也不认识谁,完...
A description is provided of the course offerings and operations of the Speech Communication Teacher Workshop Program at Penn State. This program, based upon a preceding E.S.E.A. Title III Grant, offers graduate level credit courses to non‐speech teachers which are designed to improve their ...
1、直接在浏览器里搜索学校的名称,点开academic模块之后,你会看到很多的degree和program。但不同学校可能会在不同的模块,所以需要大家花时间去搜寻目标院校的信息。 2、如果你是申请研究生项目,那么在点击graduate之后你就会看到很多的研究生院。宾大的tesol专业属于graduate school education(教育学院),但每个学校的教育...
在ISO(International student orientation)期间,所有graduate和undergraduate的国际学生都被邀请来参加President Eric Barron对大家的欢迎仪式。作为第一场全校集会,欢迎所有进入Penn State 大家庭的成员,主要内容为介绍各校方领导,弘扬Penn State 精神以及促进各系学生的紧密联谊。作为Penn State 新生第一场大型活动,它将会...
Graduate programsat the University Park campus also cover a wide range of fields, including acoustics, apply statistics, as your biology, counselor education, educational leadership, fuel science, health policy and administration, industrial engineering, mathematics, music, nursing, plant pathology, world...
Penn State's contribution to the training of engineers since the University's designation as the Commonwealth's land-grant institution, 1863, is presented here in national perspective. After a slow beginning - the first engineering course listed in 1868-69, the first engineering department (civil)...
The online Master of Management from UC Davis is a graduate business degree designed for recent college graduates, ambitious young professionals and career-changers aspiring to leadership roles. The 15-month online Master of Management program provides aspiring leaders with a foundation in the functio...
The Penn State College of Medicine is part of one of the leading academic medical centers in the country. Offering an array of programs for medical education, physician assistants, graduate students and more, the College offers all the training and exper
At Pennsylvania State University, Park Campus, Language & Education is a highly popular discipline. ...