工程学院(College of Engineering)由老校长乔治亚瑟顿创建于1896年,拥有13个系,9,700名学生,每年拥有10亿美元的经费,是世界顶尖的工程学院之一,也是大学最热门的学院之一,被誉为工程师的摇篮。在全北美,大约每50名工程师里就有一名出自这个学院。1909年该学院开设了全美第...
图书Penn State College of Engineering 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
mcgraw-hillconstruction-pennstatecollegeofengineering麦格劳-希尔建筑宾夕法尼亚州立大学工程学院38页 卖家[上传人]:tian***1990 文档编号:81503520 上传时间:2019-02-21 文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.61MB下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便 15 金贝 下载 还剩33页未读,继续阅读 /...
The college went to FireEye for help; company says actors in China were to blame The Penn State College of Engineering took their network offline on Friday, after being targeted by what the school is calling two “sophisticated” cyber attacks. The university engaged FireEye to help wit...
七、 工程学院College of Engineering) 八、 健康与人类发展学院(College of Health and Human Development) 九、 信息科学与技术学院(College of Information Sciences and Technology) 十、 国际事务学院(School of International Affairs) 十一、 狄金森法学院(Dickinson Law) ...
institution, which originally was offered state land in exchange for agricultural courses and research, offers highly ranked graduate programs through the College of Education and the College of Engineering. Undergraduates produce the Daily Collegian newspaper, and students get free daily copies of The ...
工程学院(College of Engineering)则是一个充满创新和实践精神的家园,为科技行业培养工程师和创新者,推动科技进步。信息科技学院(School of Information Sciences and Technology)专注于信息技术的研究和教育,为数字化时代培养信息技术专家。健康与人类发展学院(College of Health and Human Development)关注...
College of Engineering College of Health and Human Development School of Information Sciences and Technology College of the Liberal Arts College of Medicine College of Nursing Eberly College of Science School of Law Schreyer Honors College The Graduate School ...
Penn State has a larger student-to-faculty ratio — 15:1 to UPenn’s 6:1. Academics UPenn: There are four schools that offer bachelor’s degrees, including: College of Arts and Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences The Wharton School School of Nursing While all of its progra...
商学院(Smeal College of Business) 传播学院(College of Communications) 法学院(Penn State Dickinson School of Law) 地球与矿产科学学院(College of Earth and Mineral Sciences) 教育学院(College of Education) 工学院(College of Engineering) 健康与人类发展学院(College of Health and Human Development) ...