Ali Krieger, a former Penn State All-American soccer player and two-time World Cup champion, was elected to the university's Board of Trustees as an alumni member. Krieger received 12,141 votes, most among the three alumni-elected trustees announced Friday. Former Penn State assistant football ...
The article reports that three new members were elected to the board of trustees of Pennsylvania State University on May 4, 2012, and comments on unusually strong interest in the election occasioned by a scandal involving former school football coach Jerry Sandusky.Maher...
Freeh will report to a special committee comprised of six university trustees; Dan Hagen, chair of the university's faculty senate; Rodney Hughes, a doctoral student in higher education at Penn State; and retired Air Force Col. and astronaut Guion Bluford, a 1964 Penn State graduate. Officia...
despite 13 years at a private school, 20 years of marriage and two children. Given that my kids now view some of my Penn friends as closer to them than their own family and call their kids their cousins, it just makes sense. No matter where you go, Penn alumni seem to...