Program for the College Graduation on May 16, 1993. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Jarett. The graudation was held in Convention Hall, now gone and replaced by buildings for Penn Medicine. The College commencement address was given by Bob Schieffer, father of our classmate Sharon Schieffer Baird....
In 1880, Raoul Curran was doing his medicine show featuring the bullet catch trick. A heckler in the audience stood & shouted, 'If you can do that, catch this!' Curran caught the slug from the heckler-murderer's non-trick gun square in his forehead. I had a few gang-bangers in L....
PA by the fall of 1998, when Sukanya started family medicine residency at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Henry started a PhD at Carnegie Mellon shortly thereafter. They finally got married in 1999 with many PENN friends in attendance and have been here in ‘...