There’s been a fair amount of digital ink spilled recently about whether AI model development is slowing down. These sorts of articles always make me scratch my head; AI continues to move at an insane pace of development. Let’s take a quick retrospective tour. Look at JUST Google Gemini...
I thought it was done, but my editor kept pointing out the places I hadn’t fleshed out, the things that still didn’t make sense. Writers often ask me how to know when a book is done and ready. I’m not the right person to ask, as I usually think my work is done before it ...
The ebook designer. Book cover and interior design. UK based. Ink Story Designs. Ebook and print cover designs. Split testing your book cover design One of the issues with book covers is deciding which one you think will sell best. A great way to decide is to split-test them with people... .il .in .ink .info .int .io .iq .ir .is .it .jobs .jp .kg .ki .kim .kr .kz .lawyer .li .link .live .lol .lt .ltd .lu .lv .ly .market .mc .md .me .mg .mil .mn .mobi .ms .mt .mu .museum .mx .my ...