Greek Sing to showcase talent, music at Penn StateKristen Vanderpool
Its beautiful campus features unique red-and-green-brick buildings, gorgeous tree-lined paths, and lots of tributes to Ben Franklin. UPenn is known for its premier academics, but also for its thriving student life (it’s called “the social Ivy,” and has a strong Greek life). ...
Fraternities and sororities could disappear from Penn State University.The university’s president used an open letter to slam years of bad behavior by students in the Greek system, citing alcohol abuse, hazing and sexual assault.The school has faced intense scrutiny since February whensophomore Timot...
In a statement to CBS News, Penn State’s interfraternity council executive board addressed President Barron saying they want to work with him on these issues, but they also expressed disappointment that he chose to write an open letter and post it online rather than talking to the Greek commu...