the external male organ of urination and copulation. The body of the penis consists of three cylindrical-shaped masses of erectile tissue which run the length of the penis. Two of the masses lie alongside each other and end behind the head of the penis. The third mass lies underneath them....
The penis is a complex external organ used for sex, reproduction, and urination (peeing) in people assigned male at birth. The penis is comprised of theradix(root),corpus(shaft),glans(head),prepuce(foreskin), andmeatus(the opening through which urine andsemenexit the penis). The penis is ...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: pain in the penis on urination pain in the penis on urination 分享到: 溲时茎中痛分类: 中医 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·橘皮半夏汤 ·芎辛导痰汤 ·...
His symptoms persisted with each episode of urination over the next few hours, leading him to seek evaluation in the ED. Upon presentation, the patient reports no pain while at rest. He denies any trauma to his flank or abdomen as a result of the fall. He does not have any abdominal ...
Pathological phimosis cannot resolve by itself, and any attempted retraction of the prepuce causes pain and bleeding. Often, it is further complicated by painful urination, painful erection, recurrent infections of the prepuce (balanoposthitis) and paraphimosis. The treatment of pathological phimosis ...
After cancer infiltration develops in spongy body of penis, a patient would have symptoms like pain and difficulty in urination, [...] 浸润尿道海绵体后出现排尿疼痛、不畅甚至尿潴留或尿瘘。 A yellow, white or green discharge appears from the tip of the pen...
warm down process is going on with erection or without becoz after workout when i take thios my erection goes slowly and i feel tired than k u Our answer: You should never feel pain, and you should take several days off if you feel over worked. ...
Pain during sexual response Pain associated with sexual response sometimes occurs in men. This may be associated with sexual arousal, if arousal is prolonged and not terminated by ejaculation/orgasm. In such cases the pain is usually experienced in the testes. In other cases the pain accompanies...
20 mg once daily before breakfast and Syp. Sucralfate 2 teaspoons after meals till the pain ...
I am still experiencing pain at the tip of my penis and just inside the urethra. Itching is off and on but normally not that bad there has been a couple times where it has been. I still the have a dribble after urination... I will get occasional wet spots in my boxers. Erections ...