Peningkatan Produksi Biogas pada Proses Co-Digestion Limbah Cair Kelapa Sawit, Kotoran Sapi dan Effluen Digester Aktif dengan Penambahan Karbon Aktif dan M... Biogas is a renewable alternative fuels instead of fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas. The process of biogas production through...
PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH BUANGAN INDUSTRI TAHU MENGGUNAKAN BIOREAKTOR BIAKAN MELEKAT SECARA ANAEROB-AEROBMost tofu industries in Makassar is home industries that do not pay attention to the waste before disposal, especially liquid waste which most potentially contaminate the surrounding environment, especially ...
PENGOLAHAN LANJUT LIMBAH CAIR KELAPA SAWIT SECARA AEROBIK MENGGUNAKAN EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISM GUNA MENGURANGI NILAI TSS Jurnal Teknik Kimia UsuIrvan, Bambang Trisakti, Michael Vincent, dan Yohannes Tandean. 2012. "Pengolahan Lanjut Limbah Cair Kelapa Sawit Secara Aerobik Menggunakan Effective Microorganism...