Analisis Nilai Tambah dan Usaha Pengolahan Tepung Sukun Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani60;p&62;&60;em&62;Bread fruit processing into flour is an alternative way of processing which is has several advantages including&59; increase the shelf life, facilitate the process of raw materials...
Hasil analisis regresi berganda antara karakteristik lahan dengan kriteria citarasa kopi Arabika pengolahan basah cara basah diperoleh hubungan yang sangat erat (R2) adalah 0,894. Penentu citarasa yang terbaik dan unik adalah Ketinggian tempat, iklim dan pengolahan biji kopi Arabika organik. 展开 ...
These data were far beyond the limits set by the local government. Therefore, it is necessary to put careful efforts to separate the polluting compound before draining the liquid waste to the environment. This research is focused to study flocculation / coagulation method to separate the pollutan...
ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK KANDUNGAN PENCEMAR AIR LIMBAH DAN PROSES PENGOLAHAN AIR MINUM KABUPATEN BADUNGInstallation of water treatment is the required infrastructure in meeting the needs of clean water. During the process of water treatment it produces waste water as a byproduct that could potentially ...
ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN BETON BERTULANG PADA KOLAM PENGOLAHAN AIR DI PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN IPAL TERINTEGRASI DAN JARINGAN PERPIPAAN KIT BATANG FASE 1-450 Hdoi:10.59188/jcs.v2i4.275This study aims to determine the method of carrying out construction work in one of the WWTP ...
Analisis Morfometrik Daun Cabai Bergejala Kuning Keriting Menggunakan Pendekatan Pengolahan Citra Digital dan Algoritma Data Miningdoi:10.14692/jfi.19.6.231-237Yellow curling symptoms on chili leaves are generally caused by Begomovirus infection. The leaves of infected plants not only...