BEIJING, March 28 (Xinhua) -- Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, met on Thursday with representatives of students and teachers from the Chinese-Choir at the Burg at Beijing No.35 High School. Peng congratulated the choir on its fruitful achievements over the past decade of co...
Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, has an exchange with the Chinese and the U.S. students at Beijing No. 8 High School, in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 24, 2024. Peng attended a China-U.S. youth cultural and sports exchange activity at Beijing No. 8 High School ...
Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping and UNESCO special envoy for the advancement of girls' and women's education, on Friday addressed the online award ceremony of the 2021 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education. A project training underrepresented and low-income women and ...
Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, meets with Maria de Lourdes Alcivar, first lady of Ecuador, in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 5, 2022. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, on Saturday met with Maria ...
Peng Liyuan, spouses of leaders attending G20 promote prevention of AIDS Obama addresses press conference after 11th G20 summit French president attends press conference at G20 Media Center Turkish president holds press conference at G20 Media Center Twin suicide attacks kill 10 people, wound...
HANGZHOU, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, invited the wives of leaders attending the G20 summit to an anti-AIDS advocacy tour in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, on Monday. Peng, as a World Health Organization goodwill ambassador for tuberculosis and HIV...
Peng Liyuan nimmt an Sondersitzung zur Mädchen- und Frauenbildung der UNESCO teil---Peng Liyuan, Ehefrau des chinesischen Staatspräsidenten Xi Jinping, und UNESCO-Sondergesandte für die Förderung der Mädchen- und Frauenbildung, trifft sich m
Peng Liyuan besucht die Grundschule Sava Jovanovic Sirogojno---Peng Liyuan, die Ehefrau des chinesischen Staatspräsidenten Xi Jinping, besucht zusammen mit Dragica Nikolic, der Frau des serbischen Präsidenten Tomislav Nikolic, die Grundschule Sava
BEIJING, 27 abr (Xinhua) -- Peng Liyuan, esposa del presidente chino, Xi Jinping, invitó hoy a funciones de las óperas de Kunqu y de Beijing a los cónyuges de los líderes extranjeros que participan en el II Foro de la Franja y la Ruta para la Cooperación Internacional, que se ce...
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