Teenagers are known to experience physical and mental changes which motivate them to take care of themselves and hide their physical insecurities, one of which is by using skin-whitening products. However, there are illegally circulated skin-whitening products which contain harmful in...
The Population Reference Bureau (PRB) estimates that Indonesia will experience a population surge to 365.3 million by 2030, which will further affect the surge in the elderly population and increase health problems occurring in the elder... ST Tan,Y Firmansyah,Y Sylvana,... - 《Jurnal Muara Sa...
Meanwhile, the concept of derived importance will be proposed in order to answer critics about incorrectness in theconcept of stated importance which usually applied on classical IPA Afterward, in order to produce more complete & meaningful analysis, this paper will also introduce a tool which able...
a将自动控制技术、计算机技术和通信技术融为一体而发展起来的崭新自动控制装置 The automatic control technology, the computer technology and the communication merge into one organic whole the brand-new automatic control device which develops[translate] ...
Based on the land use scenario, the low class in 2012 and 2015 is classified as good so that the hydrology of the watershed runs according to its function with the dominant land use of plantations, which has increased by 62.65% in 2010 and 63.82% in 2015, but the ...
The result showed that the ratio of peanut juice and kelubi puree significantly affected fat, protein, total solids, overrun, viscosity, melting time, and hedonic sensory tests. The ratio of peanut juice and kelubi puree (92.5:7.5) was chosen as the best treatment, whic...
KINERJA KEUANGAN DAN PREDIKSI RISIKO KEBANGKRUTAN PADA PERUSAHAAN DI SUB SEKTOR PERTAMBANGAN LOGAM DAN MINERAL LAINNYA DI INDONESIA (Studi Kasus pada Perus... This research was done to know the bankruptcy performance and potencyfrom metal mining sub-sector and the other mineral companies which were...
The internet site which are much-loved today is social networking.The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of social networking activeness on online shopping consumptive behaviour in students of SMAN 9 Surabaya. This research uses a quantitative approach with a population is ...
along the carbon chain backbone of the film predetermined distances, so that upon hydrolysis of the ester groups fragments of the polymer are formed which have a size which can be secreted from the body of a mammal, the porous film including pores having an average pore size of up to 600 ...
One alternative risk transfer to reduce potential risks in construction projects is to use Contractor All Risk Insurance (CAR), which is one of the engineering insurance products issued by general insurance companies, especially by general insurance companies in Indonesia. This resear...