Social media has a positive and negative impact, the negative impact is quite a lot, especially among school-age children, for example some forms of juvenile delinquency, one of which is smoking in adolescents. Smoking is one of the public health problems in I...
Setiap salinan dari bagian mana pun dari materi harus menyertakan pemberitahuan hak cipta berikut: Hak Cipta DHL © International GmbH. Seluruh hak cipta. Merek Dagang DHL 'DHL', 'DHL Worldwide Express', 'DHL Express', 'DHL Freight', 'DHL Supply Chain', 'DHL Global Forwarding', 'DHL...
Promotion through Social Media is a way for culinary Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) in Solo Raya area for expanding the product鈥檚 information so it can persuade consument鈥檚 buying decision. The purpose of this research is to identify the correlations between the use of social me...
Penegakan Hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Penyebaran Konten Kejahatan Pornografi Balas Dendam (Revenge Porn) di Media Sosial Ditinjau dari UU ITE Dan UU Porno... Revenge porn or revenge pornography is a form of cybercrime, meaning that in this case revenge porn is a disgraceful act with online...
The use of East Java dialect as introduction in the lyrics of Campursari Koplo Sonny Josz shows that the expression of feeling in the media Campursari Koplo which it is basic culture of singer origin, East Java. It includes one of the realizations of local language preservation of East ...
The rationale refers to the condition that social media has evolved to become an alternative way of communicating and sharing information and interests. Indonesia is the fourth country with the largest number of internet users. The rapid growth of social media and ...
Analisis Penerapan Relationship Maintenance Strategy Melalui Penggunaan Media Sosial (Studi Pada Twitter Perbankan di Indonesia)Nowadays, banks are actively using twitter in order to maintain relationships with customers. Unfortunately, the trend of using social media as Relationship Maintenance Strategy (RMS...
Analisis Penerapan Relationship Maintenance Strategy Melalui Penggunaan Media Sosial(Studi Pada Twitter Perbankan di Indonesia)Nowadays, banks are actively using twitter in order to maintain relationships with customers. Unfortunately, the trend of using social media as Relationship MaintenanceStrategy(RMS)for...
Along with the rapid development of Social Networking Sites (SNS), social media, recently, has become a lifestyle for many people around the world, including in Indonesia. The data in January 2018 showed that in Indonesia out of 132.7 million internet users, almost all (131 million), or up...
Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Video Untuk Mencapai Tujuan Pembelajaran Ips Materi Letak Wilayah Indonesia Siswa Kelas VII SMP N 2 Banyudono The background of this problem is the learning process of students in the class are\\udstill using conventional methods (lectures), so video media...