Penggunaan Abu Ampas Tebu (Bagasse Ash Of Sugar Cane) sebagai Bahan Pengganti Filler pada Campuran Aspal Panas (Hot Mix) Latasir BFrom year to year the Portland cement ( PC ) are known to have the price up and down. The ... AA Alamsyah,HE Meiyanto - 《Jurnal Media Teknik Sipil》 被...
We live in a busy modern life that has so many activities usually conducted in a tight time schedule. On the other hand, we are often rushed with a high mobility and we also have needs to access information and do something remote. This situation becomes more and more often these day...
Execution of work observed / to be watched by together by village institute and good society at the time of development and after development have been done 2) Development post using Allocation Fund Village can in the form of construction and non physical. Construction in the form of development...
Broadcasting licenses that have been granted are prohibited transferred (given, sold, or otherwise transferred) to another party (other legal entities or other persons). While the act of taking without permission outside the consent or will of the owner (against the law) called the theft of ...
Such a condition will continually occur with regards to the limited and narrowing land availability, although RUTRK as a directing and controlling guideline for the implementation of city development, have published. Based on the matter, the writer is interested in doing a research and analyzing ...
If the company can not maintain a satisfactory level of working capital, then it is likely the company is unable to pay obligations that have matured. Analysis of the sources and uses of working capital is important for financial managers to determine how fund used and how to pay those needs...
Performance of local institutions have an important a role of cultivation introduction and depends on the active community leader or head of the farmer or P3A Mitra Cai; (2) Incentives system for farmers in the application SRI paddy method is marketing insurance with favorable price, (3) the ...
.Ethics or moral become one of the most important aspects in public administration, because a public administration activities are related to the intention and the purpose of certain public that are directed to satisfy public interest and have to be done based on the right obligations and motives...
musthaveitreplacedbyPhilips,aservicecenterauthorisedbyPhilipsorsimilarlyquali edpersonsinordertoavoidahazard.•Thisapplianceshallnotbeusedbychildren.Keeptheapplianceanditscordoutofreachofchildren.•Thisappliancecanbeusedbypersonswithreducedphysical,sensoryormetalcapabilitiesorlackofexperienceandknowledgeiftheyhave...
In order to achive an educational paradigm shift, societies and particularly those involves in education has to be exsposed to what an informative and knowledgeable society is all about. Those who are involves in improving the effectiveness and efficiencies of educational institutions will have to be...