Penelope Fitzgerald does not fit easily into the rubric of contemporary British women writers under which these essays are gathered. Born in 1916, she reached adulthood in the decades between the Great War to end all wars and World War Two and published no fiction until 1977 when she was 60...
Tess, L. Between head & heart: Penelope Fitzgerald's novels[J]. New Criterion, 2000: 29.Lewis, Tess. "Between Head and Heart: Penelope Fitzgerald's Novels." New Criterion. 18.7...
Penelope Fitzgerald, one of the most quietly brilliant novelists of the twentieth century, was a great English writer whose career didn’t begin until she was nearly sixty. Her life was marked by dramatic twists of fate, moving from a bishop’s palace to a sinking houseboat to a last, late...
PENELOPE FITZGERALD wrote many books small in size but enormous in popular and critical acclaim over the past two decades. Over 300,000 copies of her novels are in print, and profiles of her life appeared in both The New Yorker and The New York Times Magazine. In 1979, her novel Offshore...
The author of nine novels, three biographies, and a body of literary criticism, Penelope Fitzgerald (1916–2000) is judged to be among Britain's most respected authors. This essay examines her fifth novel, the 1982 At Freddie's, set in an early 1960s London Stage school. Throughout her ...
Penelope Fitzgerald published her first novel, The Golden Child, in 1977, when she was sixty years old, and since then she has published eight additional novels to increasing praise and prizes. Three of those—The Bookshop (1978), The Beginning of Spring
Although Fitzgerald made a new start and developed a fresh approach to the fictive project with each of her nine novels, a decided thematic, aesthetic and moral progression may be traced in and through them. For Fitzgerald is first and foremost a moralist, which is not to say that she is ...
The miraculous novels and life of Penelope FitzgeraldhereNew Statesman
Lewis, Tess
Set in Russia in 1913, this is an astounding book. Seldom does a novel so astound me. My first question is “How did Penelope Fitzgerald do it?” In an article on the writer Julian Barnes mentions that everyone asked this same question about her last four novels, all set in foreign loc...