PRESISI DAN AKURASI HASIL PENELITIAN KUANTITATIF BERDASARKAN PENGAMBILAN SAMPEL SECARA ACAKSampling technique that has the highest precision in this research is the stratified random sampling technique. The variance of this sampling technique is only 0.132 meanwhile those of the simple random sampling ...
Penelitian kualitatif Penelitian kuantitatif Penelitian lapangan penelitian murni Penelitian queer Penelitian sosial penelusuran penembak 将“penelitian"翻译成中文 研究是将“penelitian"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Tetapi, sebagaimana dikatakan seorang ilmuwan perilaku bernama Robert Plomin, para pene...
Hubungan Persepsi Terhadap Teknik Statistik dengan Minat Melakukan Penelitian Kuantitatif pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Dakwah IAIN PurwokertoBackground of this study is a tendency of quantitative approach which is rarely encountered during student's thesis of Dakwah Faculty IAIN Purwokerto. This is partly ...
MEMAHAMI STRATEGI DAN MENGATASI TANTANGAN DALAM PENELITIAN METODE KUANTITATIFdoi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v6i6.3748Research using quantitative methods is becoming increasingly important in modern science. However, organizing research with this approach is not easy. This article aim...