MANILA, Philippines --- Unknown to many Filipinos and, perhaps, Malaysians, the Sultanate of Sulu has pending cases against Malaysia before the United Nations, seeking US$25 billion in damages for allegedly exploiting Sabah's rich natural resources from 1972 to 1992.Manila Bulletin...
Cases of Domestic Violence Against Women in One Municipality in the Philippines: Input For a Proposed Barangay Action Plan The research aimed to assess the cases of domestic violence against women (VAW) in selected barangays in the Municipality of Santa Cruz, Laguna, Philippine... E Rivano,R ...
Additionally, in some cases regulations of double treaties, of which Poland is part, can change the status of an individual, [...] 此外,在一些情况下存在波兰订 立的双重征税条约的规定, 因此,这可以改 变税收收入来源国个人的地位,或降低税 率,例如、股息、利息或许可税。 pai...
the Advisory Committee that the Secretary-General’s report (A/63/314) did not assess the possible implications for staff members’ due process rights and that other options for managing disciplinary cases should also be explored, with full costing, so that more seriouspendingcases could be dealt...
those changes are executed and the other user refreshes their display. Unexecuted persisted changes may conflict with executed changes. If there are conflicts, they are reported at execution time, or in cases where data is refreshed due to sign out/ sign in or browser refresh, at data reload ...
Mixed Disputes and the Jurisdictional Puzzle in Two Pending Cases: Mauritius v. U.K. and The Philippines v. ChinaMauritius v. U.K. and the Philippines v. China, present jurisdictional questions arising from "mixed disputes", i.e., both cases necessarily involve cSocial Science Electronic ...
Puno admitted here Thursday the difficulty encounteredby the trial courts in the resolution of about 3,000 pending environmental cases despite the sufficiency of laws to protect the environment."The problem of effective enforcement of our environmental laws does not only concern the police and the ...
They believed that the Committee should have the competence to request interim measures in cases pending before it, and that a call should be addressed [...] 他们认 为,委员会应当有权要求对它正在审 议的 案 件采 取临 时性措施;并且在提出此种 要求时呼吁有关缔约国...
They believed that the Committee should have the competence to request interim measures in cases pending before it, and that a call should be addressed [...] 他们认 为,委员会应当有权要求对它正在审 议的 案 件采 取临 时性措施;并且在提出此种 要求时呼吁有关缔约国...