The results of the survey that was carried out during non-formal activities or tutoring carried out in Jambuluwuk village, was to provide a change in value from the previously unfavorable to exceeding the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). The method used in the survey is to gi...
The significant differences between this two groups of educators are not in the competences of the educators but rather on the learners that they are responsible to deal with as well as on the various types of nonformal educational programs. The problems faced related to the effort to rise the...
The Non-Formal Education Unit of the Banjar Regency Learning Activity Studio provides a place for all people who wish to continue to gain knowledge without having to worry about their social life. The social life that all learning citizens live is inseparable from the social studies education ...
One solution is a non-formal education equity lines held by the "PKBM" through the Programs called "Paket A", "Paket B" , and "Paket C". They are more flexible to be implemented. This study aims to determine the motivation of female learners and tutors in non-formal education "Paket ...
WEWENANG PEMERINTAH KOTA SEMARANG DALAM PELAKSANAAN OTONOMI DAERAH DI BIDANG PENDIDIKAN NON FORMALEnactment of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, the local community should be able to feel the concrete form of increased public services, and public ...
HUBUNGAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI DENGAN KINERJA APARATUR PENDIDIKAN NONFORMAL DI DINAS PENDIDIKAN KOTA GORONTALOp>This study aimed to examine the alleged causality between the dependent and independent variables. This study is a descriptive research using survey method. Datan collected by ...
In addition, to encourage and facilitate the realization of synergies between formal, non-formal and informal education, and encourage teachers to continue to improve the competence and their role model is another form of implementation of Curriculum 2013....