INDONESIAISLAMIC educationEDUCATIONAL objectivesGENERAL educationDATA analysisCURRICULUMThis article describes the role of Islamic education in the implementation of educational autonomy that occurs in Indonesia, both in Islamic educational institutions and in general education institutions. The r...
Berdasarkan data Times Higher Education World University Ranking (THE WUR) 2023, di Indonesia ada banyak perguruan tinggi yang Jurusan Ekonomi atau Akuntansinya terbaik dan bisa dijadikan referensi saat seleksi mahasiswa baru 2023. Berikut ini adalah informasi selengkapnya dari puskesmaskroya2 . Universi...
4. PERANAN GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM MEMBINA AKHLAK PESERTA DIDIK : Indonesia [J] . Nurlela, Eri Purwanti Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam . 2020,第1期 机译:伊斯兰宗教教育教师在建设道德参与者中的作用:印度尼西亚 5. NILAI-NILAI MORAL SOSIAL DAN POTENSINYA UNTUK ...
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING TIME TOKEN (TT) MODEL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS SPEAKING SKILL AT VII GRADE MTs SWASTA NURUL ISLAMACADEMIC YEARS 2023/2024 Elvi Hilda Jayanti, STKIP Usman Safri Kutacane, Indonesia SabrunJamil, STKIP Usman Safri Kutacane, Indonesia Putri Ayumi, STKIP Usman Safri Kutacane...
EDUCA SISFOMEDIA INDONESIA, PT 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 KABI adalah sebuah aplikasi interaktif kisah-kisah 25 Nabi dalam Islam. Aplikasi ini dirangkum dari berbagai sumber terpercaya. Sangat cocok bagi umat muslim untuk belajar mengenal nabi-nabi serta kisahnya dalam menyebarkan...
surauis a place that is used to study the Islam particularlyal-Quranrecitation and some other religious subjects. Because of the transition of this function, it is necessary to study on the existing condition ofsurauandmadrasahinMinangkabauof West Sumatra, Indonesia. This is a mixed method ...
Upaya Konstruktif terhadap Problematika Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesiadoi:10.30997/jtm.v8i1.8614The aim of this study is to describe a concept of Islamic Educational Institution and analyse the issues which constantly occur in Islamic schools. The method used in this study i...
Manajemen Pemasaran Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Pesantren Modern Darul Ilmi Indonesia)doi:10.46799/jsa.v5i5.1146This research aims to determine the marketing management of Islamic educational institutions at the Darul 'Ilmi Indonesia Islamic Boarding School. This research uses qualitative rese...