A.1. Please remember that weonlydeal with Penalty Charge Notices issued in England and Wales by local authorities and Transport for London under the Traffic Management Act 2004, and in Scotland under The Road Taffic Act 1991 . We also deal with Penalty Charge Notices issued under the various ...
Penalty Amount.With respect toanyTax Lien, the 5% surcharge and any interestrate increasescharged in respect thereofpursuant to Section 11-332 ofChapter 3ofTitle 11ofthe CityAdmin. Code, thecosts of noticeand advertisement and any other penalty amountsattributable tosuch Tax Lien. ...
not a machine (yet). So, in short, it’s a good idea to make things as easy as possible so you can earn whatever “brownie points” might be available with the IRS agent in charge of reviewing the abatement request. Matching up check/deposit amounts to ...