When you’re convicted of a crime, you don’t just have to worry about administrative and criminal penalties. There will also becollateral consequencesafter your first DUI offense. Collateral consequences are civil and social penalties you can experience because you have a record. Collateral conseque...
When you get a DUI, you’re not just vulnerable to administrative and criminal penalties. There will also becollateral consequencesthe second time you get a DUI in Georgia. Collateral consequences exist because you’ve been convicted of a crime. These are civil and social penalties that can aff...
A first DUI conviction in Georgia carries significant consequences that can bring stress and pain to many areas of your life. Penalties for a first DUI conviction include: Court fines ranging from $300 to $1,000 Additional court costs and surcharges, often totaling over $1,000 Jail time (M...
mandatory Georgia DUI penalties and consequences. (See Mr. Head’s handy DUI Chart for all offenses here.) On a DUI first offense, these immutable, unavoidable punishments [as contained in subparagraph (c)(1), sections (A) through (F) of OCGA 40-6...
Georgia DUI lawyer Jim Yeargan explains Georgia DUI penalties and consequences. Arrested for DUI? Contact us today. 404-467-1747.
If you are a habitual violator with a probationary license and violate your strict requirements, you can be charged with a misdemeanor. You can be sent back to jail, lose your permit, and face additional consequences. How Can I Defend Myself Against a Third DUI in Georgia?